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How Can Expats Overcome Recruitment Obstacles In Germany?

January 9 2018, 12:59pm

Posted by Contacts & Management

What are the factors that hold back the talent pool of foreigners or expats in Germany's job market? Recruitment experts have listed the common misconceptions that probably hinder the success of expats while applying for jobs in Germany. One might wonder how it is possible that human resources in a medium size company in Germany have declined a job candidate from one of the world's best universities. How come the life experience along with the professional achievements of international professionals are generally found to have very little appreciation especially in the German job market? These questions usually further give rise to many misconceptions that we will clear in this article.

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In a normal week if one would speak to the HR departments of good companies in Germany about their functionality they would know about processing and how certain misconceptions that expats carry in their minds are baseless. Many experts also coach an endless stream of international professionals in this arena. These coaches have themselves worked in different countries for several yearsprior to returning to Germany. Therefore, they have a good understanding of the work culture in other countries of the world and the differences that exist between them and that of Germany's work culture. The misconceptions that hinder the success of expat professionals in German businesses are as below:

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Misconception 1. ‘HR in German Recruitment Agencies want the best candidate’

There is a probability that you are well educated and highly motivated. Also, you possess a proven track record of many achievements in the previous jobs. But, naturally your presentation and CV is not focusing on the right strengths that are needed in the German Job market.


Misconception 2.I’m not a salesperson’

As per many recruiting company and experts that receive tons of CVs per week, there are many foreign candidates who do not really make an effort to forge a connection between themselves and the vacancy. Some applications don’t have proper cover letters or don’t mention the exact position that the candidate is applying for. When you apply for a job, you have to sell yourself. Selling means properly identifying a requirement in the company and offering a solution for it.

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It is important to refrain from sending out massive amount of standard applications. Make sure to pick the companies that you feel are your dream company. Understand why working for them would be great and learn about the needs to talk about contributing the company's goals. It seems very obvious, but these steps are generally ignored.

First Tip : Decrease the number of “question marks” that are present in your application to the Recruitment Agencies In Germany as much as possible. Do this well in advance prior to talking about your contribution to the company.

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Second Tip : Also, it is important to possess at least some Work experience in Germany along with good German language skills and recommendation by mutual contacts. Some companies also tend to offer a free internship. Take this as an opportunity to get to know your professional personality. This will certainly help to decrease the perceived “risk”.


Third Tip : Make sure to build a very strong network with the German people also. They will be well aware about the job opportunities long before you do. This can considerably decrease the perceived risk if your German acquaintances  introduce you first.


The work culture in Germany varies from other countries. It is not better or worse, just different. How successful a person is will depend on how well he or she adapts.

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